Additional Resources for those Impacted by Wildfires
- California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services and Department of
Rehabilitation Emergency Preparedness Guide/Toolkit: Includes tips for
individuals with disabilities. - Centralized resources for wildfire-impacted residents.
- Listos California: Offers an Emergency Alerts sign-up page to help connect
Californians with their local alerts systems based on a provided zip code or
location. - Ready.Gov: Guidance for preparing, responding to, and recovering from
wildfires. The resource includes tips for staying safe during wildfires and
returning home once an area is declared safe. - SAMHSA Wildfire Resources: Supports survivors, family members, responders, and recovery workers affected by wildfires and other disasters. Information includes signs of emotional distress, populations who may be at greater risk for distress after a wildfire, and links to resources for more information and support.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Provides information on hazards, including wildfires, and offers links to information about staying safe after a wildfire and learning about and coping with hazards linked to wildfires and other disasters.
- American Red Cross: Suggests ways for people who have experienced a
residential fire to take care of themselves and their loved ones and to help people who may need assistance. The site lists four steps to take right after a fire and includes links to more information about returning home safely after a fire and recovering emotionally and financially.